Monday, March 14, 2011


This word is no longer an option for me. Not even within the LGBTQ community, which I have been trying to escape from anyhow.

I have learned that it is simply too difficult for me to be "part-time trans." In other words, I am going stealth and there I will remain. I always told myself in the beginning that I would never go stealth but one thing transition has taught me...don't make any decisions too soon because you don't know how you will feel as the transition progresses.

All of this is based on something that happened to me over the weekend. I have now been on T for almost a full year and a half. I pass 100% as male. Yes, I hate the word "pass" but humor me here. Anyhow, I met a cisman in early December of last year, right after I had my top surgery. He has known me as nothing but the man I am now and has never even seen pictures of me pre-transition. To my knowledge, he has never seen me as anything other than male and why should he? This man has even given me shaving tips and instruction.

Well, he referred to me as "she" at one point over the weekend. He corrected himself immediately, but not until after. This shows me how he views me and also shows me that it's true about what I've heard many trans people say over and over...people WILL treat you differently when they know.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Job Interviews and Gender Marker

So the clock ticks down. I have landed a job interview tomorrow. My first where I am to be seen as myself...a man. Turns out that it's a group interview where 8 of us will be interviewed. We'll each be asked questions, there will be a 10 minute break and those of us selected for the next round will have a one-on-one interview. If they really like someone, an offer will be made on the spot. I figure if nothing else, it will be good practice for me. I was really nervous at first...of this group interview aspect however as someone said, if I can go through transition, this should basically be a piece of cake.

It's definitely been a different train of thought as what to wear to a job interview as a man. Easier in a lot of ways, but there's the issue of facial hair. I have a small goatee which I am keeping. So I figure neat, trimmed and no other facial hair. Should look fine. Hair is really short and cropped. Nice dress shirt, dress pants and a tie. Can't go wrong.

Onto the gender marker...I got my top surgery November 30th. Texas is an extremely hard state to navigate around legal gender marker changes. One must be on hormones and have had, at a minimum, top surgery. It must be done in the court system by appearing before a judge. As a result, I think it would be extremely risky to not have an attorney for the process so I hired one. An attorney that actually helped a local guy get his done and has also helped others in the community. She watches the docket for a transfriendly judge, so you don't waste your time and/or money. So I've waited about 3 weeks now. The new docket comes out each Monday, so I emailed her Monday to find out if we were good to go. Nothing...she never returned my email. I find out yesterday afternoon that a judge she named as being transfriendly has been on the docket all week. So I call her office and her assistant tells me the docket hasn't had a transfriendly judge this week and that we'll need to wait until next week.

So I email her again yesterday and hear nothing. The docket will change again tomorrow so who knows how long I'll have to wait again? I do intend on calling her again today if I don't hear anything because I really want to know why she let a week slip by, when this process could've been already taken care of.

I feel a bit more pressure since I'm actually starting to interview for jobs. Makes it a lot more frightening to navigate when your driver's license states you are female. Maybe they won't look at that. Maybe others don't really even think about it. I took a look at the employment authorization form online last night (the I-9 form) and it doesn't have a box for gender, so who knows?

Let's just hope I can get this done by the time I actually start work at a new job. Maybe I'm putting the cart before the horse, but I've paid this attorney her fee already and to my knowledge, she has already drawn up the petition.

I just needed to vent. I will keep everyone posted.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Trans...from the outside

So last night was a different experience for me. I joined an intellectual discussion group. The group was a very ecclectic group of people...lesbians, gay men, cisgendered "straight" people and me. The discussion was centered around two trans ftm and an mtf. To make a long story short sure, I could have disclosed last night, but I chose not to. The person who invited me knew and that was it.

So I went stealth. What I found interesting was discussing transgendered issues and such, as a presenting cisguy. They had small facts cut out and distributed around the room about the hardships trans people face...things cisgendered people take for granted or don't really even think about, such as restroom usage, paying $1000s in therapy to have someone tell you something you already knew, etc etc.

They discussed how hard it must be to be trans and various things like that. What I found to feel strange, was that I knew what all of those things on the fact sheets felt like. They spoke of female vs male socialization and how some trans people try to overcome the socialization with which they were raised and I spoke from my own feelings and point of view to the group. One woman thanked me for being so knowledgable over trans issues and told me she enjoyed my discussion yet, they had no idea I was trans.

Anyhow, this post may sound like quite a bit of rambling, but I felt the need to share. It's a group I plan on attending each time they have a discussion, because their topics vary. One day, I may disclose but for now, I see no need.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Male Bonding

Yesterday, I was called "man," "dude," and "bro"...all within about a 5 minute timespan by the guy at the shop, who was making my sandwich for lunch.

Honestly? I had no idea how to respond. I think it's cool and all, but still find myself a bit unsure as to how to "act" when this happens. He handed me my sandwich and I said, "Thanks man. Take it easy." He nodded.

So I am assuming this was correct? I know I'm not the only transman who feels lost when this happens? Do we as transmen, worry too much about the elusive "male bonding?"

Your thoughts?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Honor and Dignity Make the Man

Up until a few years ago, if someone had asked me if I were a man, I would've looked at them like they were crazy. How could I be a man when I wasn't born with a penis? Now of course looking back, I realize how wrong I was for it's not merely a body part that makes one a man. Nor is it testerone, facial hair, testicles or any specific hair cut. It's all about honor and dignity. THAT is what makes a man.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More Pronoun Thoughts

Okay, so after thinking this through a bit more, I have come to a conclusion (to follow up on my Blatant Disrespect post). I feel that if someone has been told that a trans person prefers new pronouns, yet someone completely disregards this knowledge and doesn't even TRY, that, is a sign of disrespect.

Sure there will more than likely be slip-ups, which is okay at first. It's actually expected however, when you do not even try, then it's a problem.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blatant Disrespect or Not?

I am assuming it happens to all trans people whether you are FTM or MTF. "It" being friends and/or family who, for whatever reason, continue to use old pronouns or names.

Maybe it's just me, but my feelings on the matter are this....of course everyone should be given a "period of adjustment" and of course, depending on how long you have known someone, the adjustment time is different. This also depends on the trans person. How long of a period are YOU willing to give them before it becomes a blatant sign of disrespect? I do believe that not everyone who gets the pronouns wrong is doing it to be disrespectful or aggressive but by the same token, what is the acceptable amount of time to give people?

I have a couple of people in my life who I have known for 14 years or so. With them, is taking longer. Same with the people in my family who know. But how long is too long?
