Sunday, September 26, 2010

Honor and Dignity Make the Man

Up until a few years ago, if someone had asked me if I were a man, I would've looked at them like they were crazy. How could I be a man when I wasn't born with a penis? Now of course looking back, I realize how wrong I was for it's not merely a body part that makes one a man. Nor is it testerone, facial hair, testicles or any specific hair cut. It's all about honor and dignity. THAT is what makes a man.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,I'm an italian FtM, my name's Marco and I just open a blog.
    I think that yours is really interesting...if you will visit my blog you will find my youtube channel,where there are my surgery videos.
    I like this post...the dignity for a human being is very important!!!
    I hope that you will like my blog, even if it's not completely in english...soon I will translate it all :).
